When selling a home and land package, creating a compelling vision for buyers is crucial. One of the best tools for achieving this is high-quality render imagery.
Our Approach to Render at Ploceus Building
At Ploceus Building, we prioritize creating a vision for our clients. Early in each project, we invest time in exterior and interior designs. By choosing actual materials and finishes, we craft realistic, high-quality renders. These renders show buyers exactly what the finished home will look like.

Render reflecting for our Kumeu project

Photo showing the final product matching the render
But why is this so important? A render can bring a project to life in a way that blueprints and drawings simply can’t. It allows buyers to see exactly what they’re getting and envision themselves living in the space. It’s a powerful tool that can help sell a home and land package before it’s even been built.
When we create a render, we take into account every detail, from the type of roofing material to the colour of the walls. We ensure that the furniture and decor are in keeping with the overall style of the home and that the landscaping is beautifully designed. This attention to detail ensures that the final product will closely match the render, which is key to building trust and confidence with buyers.
In fact, we’ve found that the use of render can lead to a quicker sale and a higher price point for our home and land packages. By presenting a clear, beautiful vision of the finished product, we’re able to attract more interested buyers and close deals more quickly.
But it’s not just about making the sale – using render is also a way to ensure our clients are happy with the final product. By spending time on the design process and creating a realistic representation of the finished product, we can be confident that the home and land package will be exactly what our clients are looking for.
At Ploceus Building, we believe every project deserves careful consideration and attention to detail. By using render to bring our vision to life, we’re able to create successful home and land package sales that benefit both us and our clients.